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  • Making Sure Your Baby Isn't Too Cold
    January 30, 2023

    Making Sure Your Baby Isn't Too Cold

    It is important to be sure that your baby is safe and comfortable during the winter. The cold can profoundly affect newborns, so it is important to look out for signs that your baby may be too cold. Some of these signs include pale skin, feeling cold to the touch, and appearing more lethargic than usual. To keep your baby warm in the winter, make sure the temperature of the room they sleep in is between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit with no bedding or blankets. Consider using a humidifier like Miro NR08M which features humidity sensors and Miro’s groundbreaking technology for easy cleaning with soap and water. When going outside, dress your baby appropriately for the weather, but avoid taking them out in chaotic conditions. Keep an eye on how warm or cold your newborn appears; if you notice they are too cold, increase the thermostat slightly or hold them close to help transfer heat from your body. Remember to always wash your hands before interacting with your baby!
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  • The Common Cold and Your Baby
    January 29, 2023

    The Common Cold and Your Baby

    When it comes to the common cold, you want to make sure that your baby is in a properly humidified environment. The Miro MH7000 is an ideal choice for this, as its UV capabilities kill any bacteria in the air and the humidity sensors ensure optimal humidity. Additionally, fluids help your baby’s nasal congestion and fever, so make sure that they are drinking more than usual. Finally, a suction bulb can help relieve any congestion, but always consult with your doctor before using it. These steps can help make sure that your baby gets through a cold quickly and with fewer issues.
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  • Keeping Your Baby Safe From Germs
    January 29, 2023

    Keeping Your Baby Safe From Germs

    Though they are impossible to see and often pose little threat to your health, germs are a constant part of everyday life. Especially in households with an infant, understanding the consequences of germs and ways to protect your baby from them is especially important. Luckily, this article will explain the importance of being mindful of germs and provide you with some tips for keeping your home germ-free. By following these simple measures, you can help protect your children and family from germs. Be sure to wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently touched items in your home, avoid public places if possible, and keep your living environment as clean and sanitized as possible. Being mindful of the consequences of germs and taking preventative measures can ensure that your baby’s health is not adversely affected.
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  • Your Baby's Sleep: Things to Remember
    January 28, 2023

    Your Baby's Sleep: Things to Remember

    Constructing a safe and comfortable sleeping environment for your baby is one of the most important considerations for infant development health. As a parent, it's essential to create an environment that is free from distractions, with a firm, flat surface for your baby to sleep on. It is safest for your baby to sleep in the crib during their first year of life and be placed on their back to ensure they're receiving the proper amount of oxygen. Placing any type of mattress topper, foam wedges, or other items that potentially limit movement should also be avoided as it can lead to suffocation. Additionally, consider using a humidifier like the Miro NR08M, which provides optimal humidity levels while being easy to clean. Lastly, having a consistent sleeping schedule will help your newborn form healthy sleeping patterns.
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  • Your Baby and Wake Windows
    January 28, 2023

    Your Baby and Wake Windows

    Trying to understand your baby’s sleeping pattern can be a difficult task. A key factor in determining your baby’s sleeping pattern is their “wake windows." Wake windows refer to the time that babies are awake between sleep, which varies depending on the baby's age. For newborns, wake windows are generally around 45-60 minutes. Understanding wake windows is important in predicting your baby’s sleeping patterns and establishing a regular schedule that works for you and your baby. Remember that this process will change as your baby gets older so what worked when they were two months may no longer work once they're 10 months old!
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  • Active Sleep vs. Quiet Sleep
    January 27, 2023

    Active Sleep vs. Quiet Sleep

    Understanding the sleeping patterns of your baby is key to ensuring proper sleep and, consequently, appropriate developmental growth. Crying may be your baby's way of communicating their needs or distress.  Along with crying, babies also experience active and quiet sleep. During active sleep, babies will move around in their sleep making vocal noises and moving their bodies, while during quiet sleep babies typically remain still and should not be disturbed. To create a stress-free environment where your baby can get adequate rest you might consider humidifiers like the Miro NR08M which features built-in humidity sensors along with technology that allows for easy cleaning with just soap and water. However, always check with your doctor before using any product near your newborn.
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  • Parenting Tips
    January 27, 2023

    Parenting Tips

    Ensuring your baby's proper developmental milestones is essential and can be achieved through positive interactions with your baby. This includes providing physical attention, having them engage in physical activity, monitoring their physical health, vocal interaction, and taking care of yourself as a parent.
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  • Your Baby's Behavior
    January 26, 2023

    Your Baby's Behavior

    Raising a newborn can be a daunting task. As a parent or caregiver, it is important to take the time to understand your baby’s behavior to protect their health. Newborns typically sleep up to 20 hours a day with frequent naps throughout the day. To promote healthy sleep cycles, put your baby to rest when they are tired and create an optimal environment for them by limiting loud noises or anything that might disrupt their sleeping patterns. Additionally, parents and caregivers need to understand what triggers positive and negative emotions in their baby and emphasize these emotional responses to promote ideal developmental growth.
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  • Your Baby and Napping
    January 25, 2023

    Your Baby and Napping

    Establishing a sleep schedule for your newborn is essential to their development. Understanding your baby’s sleeping pattern and creating an environment that is conducive to restful sleep can help your infant get the sleep it needs and limit the stresses of being a parent. Figure out your baby’s sleeping schedule by monitoring their patterns throughout the day, and set up naps according to these patterns. Furthermore, maintaining a dark, quiet environment with optimal humidity and temperature in the room will help your baby relax and reduce anxiousness during bedtime. Additionally, increasing physical activity throughout the day can aid your child in getting proper rest at night.
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