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Making Sure Your Baby Isn't Too Cold

Making Sure Your Baby Isn't Too Cold

This winter, remember that the cold is not just an annoyance! The cold can affect your newborn in profound ways. This article will cover some ways you can tell that your baby is too cold and helpful tips to protect your baby from the cold.

Ways You Can Tell If Your Baby Cold

If your baby is too cold, your infant will physically display it. However, be on the lookout for these signs that your baby is too cold.

  • Pale Skin
  • Touch
        • Your baby’s extremities will be cold to the touch when your baby is too cold.
  • Lethargic
      • If your baby is more lethargic than usual, this might be caused by your infant being too cold.

    It is important to be on the lookout for these signs that your baby is too cold. Parents should be wary of hypothermia as the consequences could be severe for their infant’s health.

    Tips to Keep Your Baby Warm

      • When Your Baby is Sleeping
        • The room where your baby sleeps should be between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. It is important to keep your baby between these temperatures as you don’t want your baby to be too cold or overheat. A humidifier might be a good addition to your newborn’s sleeping environment if you want to help keep your newborn warm. A humidifier like Miro NR08M would be a perfect addition to your infant’s room. The NR08M is built with humidity sensors and Miro’s groundbreaking technology that allows almost the entire device to be cleaned with just soap and water. This is the humidifier for your infant.
        • Do not use blankets or any other type of bedding with your newborn. Your baby should always be on its back when it's sleeping.
        • You can layer your baby, but make sure to not overheat your baby.
        • Consider the use of a sleep sack for your baby. This is a good clothing item to use to help keep your baby warm while they sleep (Wisner).
        • Limit the use of heaters around babies. Heaters can dry out your baby’s skin and nasal passages.
  • When Your Baby is Awake
      • When your baby goes outside, dress them appropriately for the weather. Make sure that your baby is comfortable.
      • If the weather is too chaotic, it is probably best not to take your baby outside. Especially during the first few months of life, babies should almost be entirely at home.
      • The temperature inside your home should be between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit.
      • If notice your baby is too cold, turn the thermostat up slightly until you find the right temperature for your baby. You can also use your body as a means to warm your baby. You transfer heat from your body to your baby by holding your baby. However, make sure to always wash your hands before interacting with your baby!
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