What You Need To Know About Your One-Month-Old
Congratulations! Your baby is now one-month-old. You may be wondering if anything changes with the way that you should care for your baby. Luckily, this article will go over some helpful things to remember as you take care of your one-month-old baby. As a parent or caregiver, it is important to help your baby maintain a healthy and safe lifestyle to promote proper developmental growth.
One-month-old babies sleep a lot. Here are some tips related to your baby’s sleep:
- Because your baby sleeps so much, it is important to ensure that they sleep in an environment that is appropriate for rest. Your baby should sleep in a dark room without any distracting lights. This also goes for sound– your baby should sleep in a nearly silent environment. You should also consider your baby’s breathing during sleep. This is where a humidifier can help you. For me, the Miro NR08M has been a lifesaver when it comes to helping my baby sleep. This model was super easy to clean and assemble. I would check this out if you are looking for products that can help your baby sleep.
- The sleep schedule, of your one-month-old, will largely be the same. Your baby will sleep a lot. It is important to monitor your baby’s sleeping schedule to ensure that they are resting at the right times.
Your baby’s behavior will largely be the same as a newborn at the one-month-old mark. However, you should start preparing yourself for your baby to change. As the weeks go along, you will notice that your baby requires less sleep than your baby required earlier. This is completely normal behavior for babies as they mature.
- As your baby gets older, your baby’s eating habits will change. You will find that your baby needs to eat often to mature at a healthy rate.
- Ensure that your baby is getting the proper amount of nutrients. Check-in with your doctor to make sure that your baby’s weight is at an ideal level.
- Remember that it is time to eat when your baby wakes up from a nap or sleep.
At this stage, you should limit the number of interactions your baby has with anyone from the outside world. Your baby’s immune system is still very much undeveloped and it is important, as parent/ caregiver, that you do not expose your baby to any pathogens that might harm them.
- It is paramount that everyone who interacts with your baby washes their hands. You should also remember to wash your hands before and after you interact with your infant.
- Limit visitors as much as possible during your newborn’s first few months of life. If you allow your baby visitors, ensure they are not sick and always wash their hands.
- Spend as much time with your newborn as you can. This is important to strengthen the bond that you are forming with your infant. You will notice that your baby will become more active. This is the perfect time to build that bond with your baby.