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Nose Bleeds at Night: Causes and Prevention

Do you wake up in the middle of the night with a bloody nose? Constant nose bleeds at night? Do you often tell your friends "I woke up with a nosebleed"? If so, you're not alone. Nighttime nosebleeds, or Nose bleeds at night, are surprisingly common, and while there are many potential causes for this, there are also some simple steps you can take to help prevent them from happening in the first place. This blog post will discuss the causes of nosebleeds, including nose bleed at night while sleeping (nosebleed overnight), and the best ways to prevent them from happening.

What Are Nosebleeds?

Our noses are covered in tiny blood vessels, veins, and arteries. These delicate blood vessels, or capillaries, are close to the surface of our skin, which is why even the slightest bump or hit to your nose can easily rupture them, causing bleeding.


Most nosebleeds, such as nose bleeds at night in adults, occur in the front of the nose, near where the septum (the cartilage and bone that separates the two sides of your nose) and the nasal passages meet.


Nosebleeds can also happen in the back of your nose, near your throat. This type of nosebleed is called a posterior bleed and can be more severe because it's harder to stop the bleeding.

Causes of Nosebleeds at Night

1. Nose Picking

Without a doubt, nose picking is the most common cause of nosebleeds, such as nosebleeds while sleeping. Not only does it break the capillaries, but it also contaminates your nose with bacteria, which can cause infection. Frequent nose blowing, or blowing your nose a bit too hard may also cause nosebleed overnight.

2. Dry Air

Research shows that the drier the air, the more likely you have a random nose bleed at night. This is because the low humidity in wintertime and at higher altitudes can cause your nasal membranes to dry out, making them more vulnerable to cracking and bleeding.

3. Air Pollution

Air pollution, especially smog and dust, can damage your nasal membranes and make you more prone to bloody nose every night. Smoke from cigarettes, wood fires, or other sources can also dry out your nose and increase the risk of bleeding.

4. Allergies

Allergies can cause your nasal passages to swell and become inflamed, making them more susceptible to frequent nosebleeds. People with allergies or colds also tend to blow their noses more frequently, compounding the problem.

Blowing your nose too hard can put a lot of pressure on your delicate capillaries, rupturing them and causing a nosebleed.

5. Medication Side Effects

Some medications, such as antihistamines and decongestants, can dry out your nasal passages and make you more likely to get severe nosebleeds. Both prescription and over-the-counter medications can cause this side effect.

Medications that thin your blood, such as aspirin and warfarin, can also make it harder for your blood to clot, which can make your nosebleeds even worse. If you have bleeding disorder, blood clotting disorder, or recent neck surgery, you should take extra caution. If you're on these medications, talk with your doctor before taking any additional drugs that can cause nosebleeds.

6. Excessive Alcohol Use

A recent study suggests that heavy alcohol is associated with a higher risk of epistaxis (nosebleeds). The researchers found that people who were hospitalized for excessive drinking were more than twice as likely to have a nosebleed as those who didn't drink excessively.

Alcohol can interfere with the blood's platelets, which are essential for blood clotting, making you more prone to nosebleeds. It can also enlarge your blood vessels and increase your blood pressure, both of which can lead to bleeding.

How To Prevent Nosebleeds at Night?

If you're prone to nosebleeds, there are a few things you can do to help prevent them from happening at night:

1. Stop Picking Your Nose

If you're a chronic nose picker, try wearing gloves to bed to prevent yourself from picking your nose at night. You might also consider wearing a headband wrapped around your forehead to make nose-picking more difficult.

2. Invest in a Humidifier

A humidifier can help add moisture to the air and prevent your nasal passages from getting dry and cracked. If you're prone to nosebleeds, keep a humidifier in your bedroom to help prevent them from happening at night.

It's advised to opt for an easy-to-wash humidifier, as humidifiers can get dirty quickly and be a breeding ground for bacteria, which in turn can trigger your allergies and make you more susceptible to a nosebleed.

Miro humidifiers are designed so that each part can be disassembled and thoroughly cleaned with just soap and water without the use of any special cleaning equipment, making them easy to maintain and safer than most humidifiers on the market.

To prevent nose bleeds at night, we recommend getting a powerful humidifier like the Miro NR08M, which is not only easy to clean but also super quiet and will allow you to get a good night's rest.

3. Use a Saline Nasal Spray

If your nasal membranes are dry and irritated, a saline nasal spray can help add moisture and soothe them. This will help prevent them from becoming inflamed and more susceptible to bleeding.

Saline nasal sprays are available over the counter at most pharmacies. If you're using an over-the-counter nasal spray, make sure to follow the directions on the package.

4. Remove Allergy Triggers From Your Environment

If you experience nosebleeds at night due to allergies, it's essential to remove any potential allergens or irritants from your bedroom. This includes things like pet dander, dust mites, and mold.

If you have any pets that sleep in your bedroom, consider keeping them out of the room at night. Also, wash your bedding frequently in hot water to reduce dust mites and other allergens.

5. Check Your Medications

As mentioned, some medications can increase your risk of nosebleeds. If you're taking any medications that can cause nosebleeds, talk with your doctor about other options to see if they're a better fit for you.

6. Quit Drinking & Smoking

Nicotine and alcohol can inflame your nasal passages and increase the risk of nosebleeds. If you have a history of chronic nosebleeds, it's best to quit drinking and smoking to help reduce your risk.

How To Stop Nose Bleed?

If you do experience a nose bleed, there are a few things you can do to help stop the bleeding:

  1. Use a tissue to remove any blood clots in your nose gently.
  2. Tilt your head forward to help keep the blood from flowing down your throat.
  3. Pinch your nose shut for about 5 to 15 minutes to help slow or stop the bleeding.

If the bleeding doesn't stop after 30 minutes, seek medical help immediately. When you go to the emergency room, doctors will examine your nose and throat to identify the source of bleeding and determine the best treatment. If you're experiencing regular nosebleeds, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the underlying cause and find a solution.

Last Words

Nosebleeds are a common problem that can happen at any time of day, but they're more likely to occur during the night when your body is in a relaxed state. Using a humidifier, saline nasal spray, and removing allergy triggers from your environment can help reduce the risk of nosebleeds at night. By keeping your nasal passages moist and healthy, you can prevent the discomfort and inconvenience of waking up to a bloody nose.


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