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Creating a Safe Environment for Your Infant to Play In

Creating a Safe Environment for Your Infant to Play In

Play is an important developmental aspect of your infant’s mental and physical health. As a parent, it is important that you provide a safe and nurturing environment for your child to play in. This article will go over some helpful tips to remember when designing your infant’s play space and the importance of play for your child’s health.

Tips When Designing Your Infant’s Play Environment

Safety is the most important aspect when it comes to designing your child’s play environment. Eliminate any potential hazards in your child’s environment. These potential hazards include anything that might present a choking hazard to your child. If the object seems like it is too small for your infant to play with, it is a good idea to not incorporate it into your infant’s play environment. Simple objects such as large blocks, squeeze toys, and soft dolls are perfect for your child to play with as they help build your baby’s imagination while limiting any potential safety hazard. Keep the room free of distractions like television or loud music to not overwhelm your baby while they are playing. A product that might be good for your infant’s play space is a humidifier. A humidifier can help your child breathe easier while they play and promote healthy skin. However, it is important to note to only use a humidifier that is not steam-based as it can present potential hazards to your newborn if toppled over. A humidifier like the Miro MH7000 is an ultrasonic humidifier protecting your infant from the possibility of hurting themself if accidentally toppled over. Additionally, the Miro MH7000 is equipped with UV technology that eliminates any bacteria that is present in the air your infant is breathing in. When not properly cleaned, humidifiers can release mold and bacteria that could harm your child. Luckily, the Miro MH7000 is one of the easiest humidifiers to clean, only requiring soap and water. Every part of the Miro MH7000 can be cleaned with just soap and water, something that other humidifiers on the market cannot claim. Finally, It is important to remember to place the humidifier far enough away from your infant to prevent your child from accidentally playing with it.

The Importance of Play

It is often overlooked, but play is a fundamental part of your infant’s development. When your infant plays, your child continually learns and reacts to new stimuli. The interactions with new objects help build your child’s imagination and social skills. Play can also help you fortify the bond between you and your child. The relationship between caregiver and infant is crucial when protecting your infant’s health. Babies are known to suffer mental health challenges often caused and aggravated by a poor relationship between caregiver and child. Play is a way to ensure that you develop a healthy relationship with your child and alleviate any stresses or anxiety that your infant could be going through. It should go without saying, but play is essential in maintaining your infant’s physical and mental health.

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