I was pretty nervous to drop this much money on a humidifier, but so far it's been great. I would note, if you do not need a diesel humidifier this one might actually be overkill. My room is especially difficult to humidify as it's VERY dry (even full of plants the ambient humidity is sitting around 30%), there's not much insulation, I have high ceilings, and sleep in a loft bed, so I needed a serious machine. The difference between my new Miro and my old Can*py is clear. On auto the old humidifier could not bring the humidity higher than 40%, and capped out at 55% on high with the reader right next to it. The Miro keeps the room at around 54% on auto and I have not even attempted to leave it on high as setting it at 1 overnight has me waking up to around 70% humidity. And numbers aside, I can tell it's working because I'm finally waking up without chapped lips every morning.
So yeah, this is a beast and I do recommend it for anyone who is really struggling!