Where Do I Put My Humidifier?
Where to Put a Humidifier?
A humidifier can be placed anywhere but it all depends on the reason for having one. If you want to get better sleep then putting in the bedroom would be ideal. But you can also put the humidifier in the living room so the whole family can benefit from it, or the office so it will not feel so stuffy. It is really up to you and where you feel it is necessary. But make sure to choose the right humidifier according to the environment you want to place the humidifier in. If the humidifier is too small for a big room, the humidifier will not do the job well. If the humidifier is too big for a small room, it can create mold buildup because there is too much moisture in the air.
When considering the placement of your humidifier, make sure to consider the height of the location. The height at which the humidifier is placed plays an important role. The most recommended height for the humidifier would be above ground level. The higher up off the floor the humidifier is placed the better. It produces a mist that has to get mixed with the air. When the humidifier is placed on the floor, the mist has no chance to get mixed with the air and it causes a wet floor which can lead to mold growth. Try to put it on a nightstand or a table. If that is not possible try to place a lactic tray or other material underneath to protect the surface of where the humidifier is placed.
Dangerous Spots to Avoid From Placing Your Humidifier and Additional Tips:
- Close to electronics: Do not put humidifiers close to things like TVs and desktops. Spills or droplets can ruin these items or start electrical fires.
- Close to electrical outlets: Placing a humidifier close to them can cause rust or short circuits. Also, water can potentially leak and can cause electrical system issues.
- Indirect sunlight: By putting a humidifier under sun exposure, the water inside can produce bacteria. This is something that wants to be avoided because you do not want the humidifier to be putting bacteria into the air you are breathing.
- Maintain a clean humidifier. You want to make sure you clean the humidifier every couple of days because bacteria grow in standing water. So if the water is not clean, you will be breathing harmful matter.
- Place it somewhere accessible. You do not want to be forgotten about because you want to be able to attend to it if service and clean it when necessary.