3 Mistakes People Make When Using a Humidifier
1. Neglecting to Clean the Humidifier Often Enough
2. Letting Water Sit in Your Unit
Never let water sit in the machine for days between uses as a film can form on the top, which can breed bacteria in the enclosed tank. Always empty water and clean the tank when the humidifier is not in use. Follow the manufacturers' directions for cleaning and/or wiping down the unit with hydrogen peroxide or bleach to inhibit bacterial growth and then rinse and dry thoroughly so harmful chemicals never get released into your indoor air.
If you notice that bacteria or algae are building up in your unit, it’s recommended to thoroughly clean the unit (pssst! Miro humidifiers are the only humidifiers that can be cleaned in all corners).
If you have allergies, follow the manufacturer’s directions carefully in using and maintaining your humidifier to keep your allergy symptoms at bay.
3. Ignoring Humidity Levels in Your Home
Simply put, humidity is the level of water vapor in your indoor air. And, the level of humidity in your indoor air can either help your allergy symptoms or worsen them. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), you should keep humidity below 60 percent in the summer and, ideally, between 40 percent and 60 percent relative humidity in the winter. While many types of humidifiers come with a built-in humidistat for measuring relative humidity you can also buy separate moisture or humidity meter, officially called a hygrometer to more accurately measure and check your indoor relative humidity. If you’re using a humidifier to help specific allergy symptoms, check your humidity often and keep your humidity relatively stable.